A Thermos EQ
A Thermos EQ
A Thermos EQ
A Thermos EQ

A Thermos EQ

Regular price $2,999.00 Sale

A 4-Band Parametric Equalizer inspired by Barry Porter type EQ with number of exclusive added design features, top class input and output transformers (and additional transformerless output).

Each band has a Boost/Bypass/Attenuation switch and a multiplier switch to double the frequency selected (divider for High Band) as well as switchable Q and 9 dB of either boost or attenuation in 24 steps switch. Center section incorporates High Pass filter with adjustable frequencies and slope (six fixed frequencies and 12dB/24dB to octave curve selector) and full Mid-Side coder/decoder with M-S solo buttons.

Frequency Response measured with all eq bands ON set flat, 10Hz to 100 kHz +0.2/-3dB

Incredibly surgical yet very musical and transparent, Thermos is an EQ you will not want to let go from your rack.

Assembled after the purchase, assembly time may vary (4-8 weeks). We may have it in stock or in assembly though. 

Price is NETTO and DOES NOT include VAT and Customs duties (client is responsible for paying all taxes and duties).